So after I scanned in all the photos of me one evening, I told my parents what I had done. My Mom looked at me and said, how do you do that? I looked at her stupefied. They had this nice scanner/copy/printer that they bought with this über nice new computer [2.8GHz HT, 512MB DDR RAM, 80GB HDD, DVD drive, CDRW drive, 17" flat panel monitor] and they didn't know how to use it? Good grief.
Apparently, they had just learned how to burn CDs in the last couple of weeks. They've had this beast for several months now.
So I sat down with them to teach them the ways. Scanning in the photos and rotating them in their My Pictures folder was easy enough. Emailing them, that's another story.
Firstly, lemme say that I got them switched off of MSIE to Mozilla's Firefox browser when I last came home in October. They're still using it. Good. I downloaded Thunderbird to be their new email client to save them the trouble of logging into their email via Optimum Online's webmail app [I despise webmail apps aside from my precious GMail]. I set up my Mom's account in Thunderbird and started to show them how to compose, attach and send. Easy enough, eh? No.
It took awhile, but I think it stuck. Then came the question of sending a link via email. Copy, paste, send. Simple? Nope. That took the bulk of several hours plus a reminder session the next afternoon. I was pleased to see that Thunderbird was compatible with their Korean character software, sweet. They can now compose emails on their computer without logging into their webmail app and write them in Korean as well with no problems.
Easy for me, not so easy for them. They took copious notes on scraps of paper. The same kind of scraps of paper they were using to store email addresses. I transcribed them into their oh so fancy address book in Thunderbird. Now, they can just click on the names in the Contacts pane of their email to add addresses instead of fumbling through drawers looking for scraps of paper with emails scribbled on them.
They taught me to walk, talk, eat, write, wipe my ass, ride a bike, catch a baseball, handle my money... the least I can do is set up their email and teach them how to email links [good god!] and photos.
It's funny, one of the first things I do when I go home is fiddle with their computer to make sure everything is up to date. What did I find when I turned it on when I went home? Their Norton Anti-Virus has expired. So I uninstalled it [no need for them to buy it] and installed AVG and scanned their computer, clean. They're currently using Word Perfect Office 12 right now. They're happy with that. I may switch them over to Open Office someday. Not yet. Next lesson, CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+V to paste instead of right-clicking with the mouse. I wonder if I can get that lesson in for when I'm back for New Year's Day.