Hello folks and welcome to June in Philly. A new month and I've now decided to start using CAPS when they should be used on this here blog of mine. Well, today was my first day at the new office, Philadelphia Weekly, for those who aren't caught up. It started bright and early and was busy from the minute I was in the office. One annoying thing about the office that I've discovered already is that it's too hot in the office. Now, not HOT hot, but hotter than I feel it should be, but I do know that I like things to be colder than most people. But it is annoying to be sweating for the first 15 minutes in the office after walking there in pants and a button down shirt (even though I'm only 6 blocks away- I sweat a lot). There are about 45 people in the office, I'd say 30 or so on my side of the office- the Sales/Classifieds/Production team; the Editorial staff is about 15 or so. Everyone is pretty young, as expected at an alternative weekly.
I'll have my own cubicle, phone line and business cards. I'm oh so excited about having my own phone line and business cards- I've never had either before. In my three consecutive summers at VIBE they never even so much as gave me a dinky email address. And at Spring Street Networks, where I worked for over a year before they canned my ass, no phone line and no business cards, arg. Why am I so excited about business cards? I've always wanted to drop my card into those bins at restaurants and stuff for a chance to win a stupid breakfast or a free meal or something. It's the little things in life that make me happy, oh yeah, along with this stuff (hint hint, nudge nudge).
I'll save you all from the mundane duties I do at work, but needless to say, I was hit by a deluge of stuff the first day AND, it was the busiest day of the week- Late Ad day where I am to run around and get all the late ads proofed and stuff.
But after work, I had a celebratory dinner at the Nodding Head. It has quite the menu, everything from vegan fare to a rack of BBQ ribs and great in-house brewed beers. I had the Grog which is in between a Newcastle and a Guinness.
After dinner, I passed by Striped Bass [entrance pictured] which is where the Real Worlders are working this season. It's a bit pricey, but if anyone is in town and would like to take me out to a schmancy dinner, feel free! I'm game. Perhaps at some point, as I'm leaving my office at 6pm and walking south on 15th St., I'll pass by Striped Bass on Walnut St. and watch camera crews capture one of the cast members breaking down because s/he got stiffed on a $400 table or something. I'd take out my camera and start snapping away, holding back tears and laughter.