In preparation for last night's par-tay, I discovered that I own sixteen shot glasses. Kinda nuts. We made good use of them. Filled the tub with around eighty beers and about 30 lbs of ice, that kept everyone happy. I took a couple trips to The Foodery for a few mix-a-six packs which everyone seemed to enjoy. We ran out of beer sometime after 1a, but there was plenty of liquor to go around and food to be eaten to sober up a bit.
I had two shot glasses from college, one a frat glass the other from the school store. One from my friend's college in CA. A six pack of shot glasses my friend from CA sent me as a housewarming gift when I moved down to Philly. Three sake size shot glasses, which are actually ceramic methinks. Four of the plastic freezable shot glasses that didn't get used because nobody would brave the 100 proof Stoli that was in the freezer — another time!
And with all the drinking and we think over forty people, nobody broke anything! Or at least we haven't found anything that was broken. Actually, we came out one bathroom door fixed! A friend of Lady's fixed our bathroom door which wouldn't shut.