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April 05, 2006



What a prick...but he always has been (and I'm a former Red Sox fan!)

There are some people that just don't get how insensitive they are.


Man, your comments are right on the money. And a well done analogy...very well done. An eye opener what made me go "Wow."

And I second it: Clemens - Dick.


To me, this is no different than me saying, those stupid Americans and Germans were killing all the Jews during World War II. They're both white, right? So I guess they must have been both killing 6M+ Jews in a mass genocide.

uh, I may just not have had enough coffee, but I can't even parse this. ?!

anyway, clearly Clemens is a dick. I think that just assuming that all Asians work in dry-cleaning (or even at the corner store) qualifies you without reservation as a racist jerk. with or without the mystifying analogy...


Wow, talk about taking things out of context. Why do you guys only read the dry cleaning part and not the part about 50,000 people at the ballpark. He's just trying to compliment Korean/Japanese national pride for baseball and the dry cleaners just happened to be the setting where he was.
And what's wrong with running a dry cleaners? I can think of much worse things to be.


gee, Peter, I dunno -- do you think that if he had said, "there was nobody left to shine my shoes at the trainstation, because all the black guys were at the football game" it would be offensive? "all the bars had to close because all the Irish went to cheer on the Redsox"? he thinks Asian person and all he can think is the cheapest stereotype. imagine the shock he might feel to go to the hospital and get treated by an Asian doctor -- what? they can do professional stuff too?

you don't get credit for invoking a tired racially based cliche, no matter what other happy things you might have been saying.

Marc Stier

You are right about Clemens. But let's not take it out on Boston. I lived just outside Boston for six or seven years. It is a wonderful city. It is as much fun to walk in Boston as it is in Philly.

The T is one of the great public transit systems in the country. I had a car so that I could get to my parents in upstate New York. But I would regularly park it somewhere and then, when I needed it two months later, would have to search for it because I couldn't remember where it was.

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