Arg, I was busy for the second half of Friday and I'm at home now in NY and I didn't get a chance to watch the debate between Chuck Pennacchio, Bob Casey and Alan Sandals. But I'm told that the audio of the event will be posted on the PCN Podcast page. I look forward to that. I'll give it a thorough listen and offer my thoughts then.
But for now, initial thoughts can be read and shared at the Pennacchio blog and eRobin of Factesque liveblogged it.
The AP article on the debate.
It is being replayed right now and tomorrow at 3 pm
Posted by: Austin | April 08, 2006 at 11:01 PM
I read the liveblogging treatment and feel a little better distinguishing b/ the candidates and feel more solidly Pennachio. I still like Sandals and if he got the nom instead of Pennachio wouldn't flinch at supporting him (unlike the way supporting Casey would completely skeeve me). Thanks for the link.
Posted by: Ellen | April 09, 2006 at 09:24 PM