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April 26, 2006



The murals make the city I think. Some of my faves are the ones by Broad & Lombard, the 2 "season" ones on bambridge and the other "season" one (I think) on Pine.


That's the Fringe Festival mural by Tom Judd.


actually, i think it's closer to arch, or even that little street that runs along side of christ church. is that possible?

Yes, I am down with that Tom Judd mural!


Funny... Our mural arts records say that it's at 52 N. 2nd St.... but that doesn't make sense. Thanks for getting that error to my attention. I'll get on it.


52 N. 2nd St would put it right where Addie suggests it. And after looking at a GMap of the area around Christ's Church, it looks like the south wall of the parking lot right north of the church is where it is.

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