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April 10, 2006



Wow. Amazing pictures!!!!


nice shots -- like the last two here especially. looking forward to the final edit.


You've really outdone yourself. Stunning work.


Beautiful stuff, especially the first shot. Reminds me of a Cinco de Mayo celebration in Galveston when I grwoing up.


Love those dresses in the first shot. The rest of the pictures are striking, too.


Great, as usual. I looked for you at the rally but I was only there for about an hour. I'm so glad to see all your photos. I couldn't get close enough to the Native American performers to see them. I only saw those feathers from their costumes. I actually got some shots that you didn't, which I think is some kind of miracle. I don't know how to size them properly though and I'm way to tired to keep trying. You'll get the idea.

Man Eegee

I'm glad you were able to make it today. The Tucson rally was great, with about the same number of people as Philly. It was good to see the Democratic City Council Members and Pima County Supervisors taking the mic and showing solidarity with the people. Paz, Man Eegee.

Blue Texan

lovely pictures!

small typo:

Sí se puede!, not Sí se puerde!



One of the most powerful pictures I saw re this whole issue is
this one.

And no, it isn't mine....

Tom W.

Brilliant photos - I feel like I was there.


Looks like they got you a Philebrity mention.

Corvus Doro

These photos are absolutely stunning. I weep for my pathetic efforts at photography.


Pat Cobbs

Whew! I can breath again. Great stuff, man. Even a vegan can apreciate the last one. And I want a poster of the one before it.

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