After receiving a couple emails yesterday about Joe Hoeffel backed out of the Lt. Governor's race, I'm thinkink Joe Trippi had a hand in all this. Hoeffel's campaign manager was Daren Berringer who works for Trippi's firm, a person I met and spoke with very very briefly during Live8 here in Philly. From what I can tell, he was part of Trippi's organizational team for the concert. Up until I got the email from Berringer yesterday thanking Hoeffel's supporters for their support, I had no idea he was involved in the campaign. I had no idea Trippi was involved in any matter in Hoeffel's campaign.
Trippi was apparently in Philly this week and stopped by Drinking Liberally Tuesday night. I wondered what he was in town for. I know that he's involved in Tom Knox, the guy who has already plunked down $15M for his 2007 Philadelphia Mayoral bid.
And then I get the email from Berringer yesterday afternoon about Hoeffel dropping out of the race. Was there a late night meeting with Hoeffel, Trippi and maybe The Hoagiemeister too? Was Catherine Baker Knoll there too basking in it all? If Trippi was involved in this, it's interesting he's taken such a keen interest in PA/Philly politics as of late.
Hoeffel's own email was sent out within the hour after Berringer's email went out. He went on and on about how he was going to do his best to keep The Hoagiemeister in the Governor's mansion and that he hoped his supporters would continue to support The Hoagiemeister's run for Governor. It's a lot to chew on.
Joe's lost a lot of credibility in my eyes and in the eyes of many people I know here in Philly and around Philly. I don't see him getting much support from what is left of his supporters and from The Hoagiemeister down the road.
On the bright side, we do have Valerie McDonald Roberts to support in her run to be our next Lt. Governor. More about her soon.
Daren was Joe's political director in 2004, before he joined the Trippi organization. (And I worked directly under Daren.)
This was all about Ed changing his mind. Nothing more.
Posted by: Adam B | March 10, 2006 at 11:08 AM
I would stop trying to guess on this one. If you looked at Joe's announcement tour schedule, you would see that he was in Harrisburg the night he talked to Rendell.
Posted by: | March 10, 2006 at 12:07 PM
yeah, I think it was Ed, and that Hoeffel has more, not less, of my sympathy after this incident. it's *Rendell* who's slipping ever lower on my decency meter...
Posted by: acm | March 10, 2006 at 12:53 PM
Well I think you may have thought about this a little too hard. No, Trippi was not involved with Hoeffel. I work with Trippi doing media and political consulting, but when Joe Hoeffel asked me to play a larger role in his campaign I had to accept. He is an amazing person, so on top of my other clients, I did my best to be as full-time a campaign manager as possible.
As for Hoeffel "backing out" as you put it, I hope that everyone understands that this was not what he wanted. But because of the dynamics of this position, it would be very hard to run when your running mate, the "Hogiemeister" as you put it, changes his mind and prefer that you not be on the ballot. I hope this explains it well enough.
Posted by: Daren | March 10, 2006 at 05:39 PM
Yes....I typed "Hoagiemeister" too fast in my last post and spelled it wrong. I make mistakes.
Posted by: Daren | March 10, 2006 at 05:40 PM
there is more to this story, Darren should get off talking points and be to the point
Posted by: john | March 23, 2006 at 08:54 PM