I saw V for Vendetta yesterday afternoon. It was way better than I thought it was going to be. I read the graphic novel a year ago and was thrilled to hear that it was being made into a feature-length film. I was initially put off by the casting of Natalie Portman as Evey. Up to this point, I thought she had peaked with her performance as a thirteen-year-old in The Professional, but she was annoyingly good in this film. Annoyingly in that I wanted her to be bad so that I had an excuse to not like the film and have her be the cause of it and accept it as such, but she was great. The film was great.
It's a bit weird to see a mask talk at you for an entire film, but I got used to it after the first scene where V appears and Hugo Weaving delivers some serious alliteration
I actually welled up a bit at the ending. I'm not going to say what it was, but I wasn't welling up because it was so sad on screen, but the implication that it would take such a large cataclysmic event to have the people wake up. When will the rest of America wake up. Will Congress ever wake up?
A couple of choice paraphrased quotes from the film that will in no way give away anything: "The people should not fear their government; the government should fear its people" and, oh wait, the second quote does actually potentially give away some info, so, just that one.