I got the phone last night and I've been playing with it quite a bit. It's a very nice phone. Fits very comfortably in my hand. The lack of a nub antenna is a godsend. I can't remember ever having a phone that didn't have a nub at the top. The phone itself, the Samsung A920, is pretty intuitively laid out. I got the hang of it after fiddling with it for thirty minutes or so. I can get to where I need to go within a couple of seconds as of now methinks.
I've already downloaded a few things [it's free with the program!]. A few ringtones, if you must know, "My Humps" and "Temperature" by Black Eyed Peas and Sean Paul respectively. And I also downloaded AOL IMer to see how that functioned. It's gonig to be quite a change from my huge Samsung i700 pda-phone which has a touchscreen QWERTY keyboard [stylus enabled] that I can type away on. I forgot what a pain T9 text input and manual alpha/numeric entering of things is. Plugging in 100 entries into my address book was a real pain.
Day 1 with the phone was pretty easygoing. Made a few calls, sent out a txt message out to Chitown [he didn't respond, probably busy studying in the Law library], downloaded a few things and got acquainted.
I'm going to be mainly using this cell phone for the next little while, but I'll still have my old phone with my still current number. For my friends who have that number, please still call it.
The only weird thing is that it's an 816 Kansas City, Missouri area code.
A little background on this endeavor here.