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March 01, 2006



I went to Penn, non-traditionally. I worked full-time and took a mix a day and evening classes over 5 and a half years. I completely agree with your assessment of Penn kids.

BUT as a diploma holding graduate, I have to defend the place by mentioning that Penn has climbed out of its second tier status in the last few years. I believe they tied for 3rd with Yale in the all mighty U.S. News rankings the year I graduated. They've been top 4 for a while now, right below that Harvard, Princeton, Yale crowd.


I'm also a Penn grad, and while there is a subtle second-tier feeling at the school, I don't think that's affecting the opinions on Ms. Foster on campus at all. Very few people at Penn care at all about Yale.

What they care about is that the past few years have had nobel-peace prize winners and nominees, Senators, and Former Presidents. Not actors. At my graduation I got to sit just feet away from Bishop Desmond Tutu.

I like Jodie Foster, but if I was a senior at Penn this year I would be pissed too. It is after all the 250th graduating class. They couldn't find someone with a greater societal impact than the girl from Contact?

And on top of that, they've got O.A.R., the worst band ever, playing Fling this year.

Michael Carboni

I just went to a crappy state school myself so I have no horse in this race, but it seems UPenn does not get the credit it deserves here in its own backyard. I connect with a lot of people and it seems like Villanova gets more 'ohhs and ahhs' than UPenn as a prestigious university.


Well, I am a Penn grad student, and maybe I am out of the loop since I spend all my time at the Law School and the Law School library.

But, as far as I can tell it is much more having a movie star instead of a an activist, and has nothing at all to do with being a Yallie.

And, as for this post generally, I can only assume that by insulting the City's best school and largest private employer, you, um, will not be running for office in Philly. Ha.

Albert, maybe we should duke it out at the PFC meet up? Maybe a duel or something?


won't be there, but i'm 100% i could whup up on ya! shotguns at 30 paces, dick cheney will judge. as an added twist, dick will also have a shotgun.

and i doubt that most of the kids at penn would be voting for a public official here in philly, but i know that you'd be more concerned with getting the votes.

Terrence Ryan

I too am a Penn Alum. Your comments about Penn and its self esteem are on the ball. Although it is under-recogonized like some of the other alums said.

However, I was stuck with Clinton's secretary of the Treasury as my commencement speaker. Who I can't even remember.

I'd take Foster over Rubin any day.


Well, I'm an IUP undergrad alum, w/ a MS from Drexel (aka - the red headed bastard Penn stepchild) and - big gasp - actually feel like I got a better education from IUP.

Jodie Foster is not just "The chick from Contact" - not only is she f'ing BRILLIANT but I'm sure will be alot more interesting than many of their choices (though - seeing as Jon Stewart is one of my fantasy hubbies, I probably would have blown someone to get him on board).

Hmm - bright, well-educated, well aware of societal issues and has the ability to orate and keep atention. Yeah - I think I can't really see what they're whining about. If any of those lame-asssed bozos want to give me their grad tickets, I'll gladly suffer the god-awful ceremony and listen to her speak.


Penn grad here (2002). I never really met any kids there who wanted to go to Princeton or Yale or wherever but couldn't get in (if they did, they kept it to themselves).

Personally, I had the time of my life and I received a stellar education (and got to see the Quakers in the NCAA tournament). I wouldn't trade my Penn experience for anything.

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