Bob Casey's campaign manager issued a statement today in an AP story in regards to debates leading up to the May 16th primary. Paraphrased: Bob's a dick, and he's happy being a dick.
We'll pick [a date] in the coming weeks and they're welcome to show upWhat an asshole.
Chuck Pennacchio [I'm volunteering for him] and Alan Sandals have been calling for debates for some time now; Casey's been dodging them. Now everyone's qualified and on the ballot and he's inviting them to a debate? Ha.
Casey's blown off plenty of debates. He blew off the Neighborhood Networks - African American Coalition candidate forum citing some bullshit excuse that he had some previous engagement. He didn't have that previous engagement some three months beforehand when he was invited. He's just a dick and is content to lurk in the shadows running his stealth campaign.
Funny though, because when he ran in 2002 for governor against now Gov. Ed 'The Hoagiemeister' Rendell, he said in a City Paper interview:
There are plenty of examples where this state has had a lot of tough primaries and then come together. In fact, the history shows, if you look at it, that the party with the tough primary usually wins.And during the "conference call" Casey put on he lauded the number of debates there were in the 2004 general election. Let's air everything out.
But since Bob isn't willing to really discuss things, just forget about him and vote for Chuck Pennacchio, the real Progressive Democrat in this race.