From my The Daily Show desktop calendar that Lady got me for my birthday:
- How many of the nine Supreme Court justices can you name?
- How many of the nine members of The Brady Bunch can you name?
- What does that say about you?
I named eight of the nine justices and six of the nine Bradys. It's not that I hadn't heard of the ninth justice, I just blanked on the name. And I remember two of the names I couldn't remember for the Bradys, but I honestly flat out didn't know one of the names.
I used to watch the Bradys all the time growing up on re-runs. I haven't seen the show in probably a decade or so. I'll never forget the Hawai'i one with the evil Tiki! Nowadays, I'm more likely to read a SCOTUS brief. I'm twenty-six. What does that say about me?
I used to have the Justices memorized quite well, then they started adding new ones. The odd thing is the last time I tried to name all nine Justices (only a few weeks ago), do you know which one I forgot?
What does that say about me? (Probably that, like most people, I block out traumatic events)
Posted by: Howard | March 13, 2006 at 02:57 PM
I only missed that wuss Souter. Even the other justices probably forget he's there half the time.
The Brady question is a trick - there's only eight family members (unless they're including Cousin Oliver).
Posted by: Mark | March 13, 2006 at 06:57 PM
What does that say about me?
there's hope for you, pal!
Posted by: acm | March 14, 2006 at 10:26 AM