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March 07, 2006



Speaking as a representative of the Mural Arts program...

The left half was painted by inmates at Graterford and installed on the wall, the right half is glass tile. The right half was assembled by philly public school students overseen by lead artist Josh Sarantitis and assistant Eric Okdeh.


Great work Steve, I've done smaller inside murals but nothing that large.


It's a really beautiful design. Do the artists begin with a computer generated prototype?

Ann Bartow

Philadelphia has great public art. There are a lot of wonderful murals in North Phila. and Germantown particularly.

Josh Sarantitis

I'm the artist who designed the mural. The tile is 3/4" glass-mosaic. Over 1 million pieces. The left side was partially painted by artists at Graterford Prison. Students at 5 public elementary schools helped with some of the glass work. The design is a symbolic representation of the legacy of slavery and its abolition. The original artwork was hand rendered and photo-collaged in photoshop and then using a proprietary program that we invented the image was translated into glass tiles (pixels).


Josh Sarantitis

by the way.
nice shot of the mural.
what camera did you use?


Josh forgot to post his website:



Greg Barton

The program Josh used is here: https://tilepile.dev.java.net/

It's open source, so you can download it and check out the source code, if youre feeling geeky. You can also use it to make your own tile murals.

Well, you need tiles, tile grids, a large computer monitor, and lots of patience, too. :) And it's not horribly easy to use at the moment. I'm going to rewrite it when I get the time.





thank you to each artist


wow, thanks, Albert -- haven't seen this one yet, but will divert my usual commuting path to catch it tomorrow. I mean, wow!

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