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March 08, 2006


Rep. Mark B. Cohen

I deeply appreciate your kind words above. I welcome being singled out by any media focus on my race for re-election: I represent the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party and I will only benefit from more media attention.

I am the only candidate in this race who has ever worked to reform government or who has worked to open up the Democratic Party to concerned and committed people. I would welcome help in getting out the vote activities (phone calling, tabling, canvassing). Individual financial contributions are also needed to compete with an opponent who has significant fundraising potential.

Pennsylvania began holding primary elections in 1904. They place demands on candidates and volunteers alike. But I agree that they can be a positive tool for raising issues and involving people, and I welcome the help of anyone who values having a genuine progressive leader as the second most senior member of the Pennsylvania House in 2007.

To help, please email me ([email protected]), or call me at 215-725-5639.

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