The condos going up at 1352 South St are well on their way from this shot from January 20th. The windows are huuuge. They're lofts. It's gonna look nice. Only five floors tall when it's going to be done.
I can't remember what used to be in that lot now. Whether it was empty since we moved east of Broad about six months ago or what.
I actually lived down here in one of the quite crappy houses that used to be here. Wow, that's gotta be 17 years ago. Nice to see they're improving it. Great site, btw, I'll be back.
Posted by: scottage | April 01, 2006 at 02:52 AM
I continue to be amazed that I've never seen you around outside of that Flickr meetup. I work two blocks south of that construction site, and walk up past there for lunch most days, sometimes with my camera.
Posted by: Judd C | April 01, 2006 at 04:08 AM