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February 02, 2006



Al, you don't say "Mau-rio" -- you say "Mare-io." So strange!


I'm a "Mar-e-o." kinda guy myself.


the "mar" is the same as in "marry" for me. i knew a mario growing up, and that's how he said it. of course, if someone introduced themselves to me as "maurio" i'd pronounce it that way when addressing him or talking about him. but my default is the other way.


I'm a Mah-rio girl myself (originally coming from upstate New York and New England). But I don't think I've ever known a Mario, outside of Super Mario, of course...

(Happy birthday, by the way!)


mah - rio (as in mahvellous)
grew up in Michigan, then wandered the nation. not aware of my accent, mostly...


I'm a NYer, though I've never had a NY accent (the rest of my family does.. is it shocking to anyone that I am the odd one out?).. as for Mario, I suppose I'm a Mau-rio kinda guy.

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