Back when SNL was on it's last legs, there were the Jeopardy skits starring Will Ferrell as Alex Trebek and Darrell Hammond as Sean Connery. There was one episode where Connery said something and Trebek counters with "And we've hit a new low" and that's what the NYT Op-Ed page said in this piece from today's Times.
We thought President Bush's two recent Supreme Court nominees set new lows when it came to giving vague and meaningless answers to legitimate questions, but Attorney General Alberto Gonzales made them look like models of openness when he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday about domestic spying. Mr. Gonzales seems to have forgotten the promise he made to the same panel last year when it voted to promote him from White House counsel to attorney general: that he would serve the public interest and stop acting like a hired gun helping a client figure out how to evade the law.Zinger!
Too bad I can't easily read what Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich, Bob Herbert or the rest of the crew think of all this.