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January 05, 2006



People actually questioned the existence of the full roll of strawberry Mentos? What sacrilege.

Mmmm, strawberry... (I loved them as a kid)


bastards! all of them!


Hey Albert if you love junk food, you'll love this blog: http://junkfoodblog.com/

anonymous city girl

where do you find those???
my fave are the happy hippos (which I got way to excited about when I found them while touring the French coast), found by the cash register at most mom&pop deli's and Turkey Hill Blueberry Oolong Ice Tea... very difficult to find.


You haven't happened to find Red Vines (NOT Twizzlers) in your junk food travels, have you?

anonymous city girl

Marisa - Have you tried the candy shop in Reading Terminal across from Termini's Bakery?


looks like someone knows the secret path to Strawberry Mentos.


Have fun with mentos and soda...

(BTW, I doubt you remember me, but I met you in Chicago through austin)

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