Annoying. What's the deal with people just lighting up on the underground platforms of SEPTA? I don't really mind the smoke, I'd rather it not be there, but I'm not allergic or pregnant or anything. But one of these days, I'm gonna be in a pissed off mood and I'll have my camera with me and I'll just stick it in their face and snap off a shot with my REALLY bright flash. We'll see how that plays out. It is illegal to be smoking down there.
I've never seen anyone approach any of the doucebag smokers down there though. Can't recall seeing them light up with a cop around either.
I once accosted somebody. I resent it because it feels like there's just very little air down there already, and I don't need the competition for my oxygen. Anyway, the guy got all pissy and "who are you, a cop?" on me, and I decided it wasn't worth the hassle most times, but your camera idea is a good one.
Posted by: acm | January 18, 2006 at 12:51 PM