Oh man it was cold out there. I'd say about 200 or so people were out there, but I'm not the best crowd estimater. I snapped about 200 shots and I'm about to start downloading them from the CF card. I wanted to stick around for the end of the second session, but everybody left and it was mighty cold outside. Didn't want to stand out there for an hour and a half by myself and the cops. A pretty lively crowd out there. Pictures to come.
It was a great night. it wasn't *that* cold was it? maybe those longjohn my mom got me for christmas were perfect for protestin'!! Anyway, i wanted to say that ACT-UPs dramatic entance down Broad street was one helluva showstopper.
ACT-UP(still) Rocks!
Posted by: jay lassiter | January 09, 2006 at 04:11 PM