I remember when stamps used to cost a nickel! Well, not exactly. I do remember them being right around a quarter and postcards used to mail for about 19¢. Now, postcards cost 24¢ and first class stamps are 39¢.
Just last month I received a tattered package that was ripped open in one of the sorting facilities between Albany, NY and Philadelphia, PA. Thanks USPS. I know that they handle like a bajillion packages a day, so...
That was the second ripped open package/letter I've received from the USPS in a large envelope with a "sorry we fucked up" letter. Arg. The contents to this one [and I think the other one] were lost. It was the package of magazines from Global Scene where my Live8 photos and article appear.
Hey, I remember when stamps were $.12.
And hi, I found you via google when looking for "Shoot First, Ask Later."
Posted by: a nut | January 09, 2006 at 12:47 PM