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January 25, 2006



Also a lot of comment when crossposted in a Daily KOS diary.


I have to say, Casey just took me out of "watch and see" mode and lost any chance I would have voted for him in the primary.

Neighborhood Civic PAC

PoliticsPA has learned that several influential members of the Philadelphia AFL-CIO have clashed with local, state and national leadership regarding the endorsement of Bob Casey Jr. over Rick Santorum for United States Senate. The divergence has become so great that the Philadelphia Building Trades, led by Pat Gillespie, threatened to split from the Philadelphia AFL-CIO at the endorsement meeting Tuesday night. Leaders representing unions including the Sprinklerfitters, Cement Masons and Longshoremen strongly opposed the endorsement of Casey.


Meh. That's a purely political calculation on his part and not really all that surprising. I'm guessing he figures he has the primary race wrapped up completely already. If he had come out against Alito, that'd be one of the few weapons Santorum would have against him. Anyway, the people who are truly concerned about this at the moment probably already support another candidate (as you're doing).

I hope if he were actually a senator that wouldn't be his choice on an Alito vote, but there's no way to know.


Purely a political calcualtion? By coming out and saying so, he is saying that this is what he believes.

Do you honestly think that Casey will win voters over with this decision as you suggest, by taking weapons from $antorum?

He is telling you that as a Senator, he would vote for Alito, don't you get it Greg?


yeah greg, i agree with albert. the "purely a political calculation" doesn't really hold water.

casey didn't have to comment at all about the alito nomination. in fact, if he was a savvy politician he wouldn't have.

this blunder is just another demonstration that casey is not that strong of a candidate. his good (though sinking) poll numbers against santorum are more an indication of santorum's unpopularity.


He's a politician. How can you believe anything that any of them say until they actually have to cast a vote? (Yes, I know I'm heartless, a pessimist, root of all evil, etc.)

Yeah, I think that he's basically attemping to nullify the issue against Santorum by saying that he'd vote for Alito. I'm guessing Casey figures if he didn't say that, Santorum would run ads against him stating that he's anti-Alito. (Not that I would have an issue with that.) I'm guessing Casey is attempting to move towards the center (or right...) for the general election as democrats have tried to do in the past. Whether that is a wise strategy this early (or even ever anymore) in a election is up for debate.

Yes, I agree that he should have said nothing in order to not dissappoint people in his own party. There's no reason to throw salt in the wound here as he's doing. The more I think about it, I don't think there's any strong candidate in this race. Albert, you should run. Seriously. You've got a fine website and take good pictures. That's enough for me.


I'm guessing Casey figures if he didn't say that, Santorum would run ads against him stating that he's anti-Alito.

And what good would that have done, this being a blue, pro-choice state?


Moving towards the center is one thing [which I loathe], but Casey's views are more right of center and this moved him even further.

The strongest candidate out there is my guy, Chuck Pennacchio.

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