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January 22, 2006



Man, that sucks. I hope you're able to get through this without too much further inconvenience (though it looks like quite a bit of drywall needs to be replaced). Was your stuff damaged at all?


That's rotten. I hope it's dried up by now, but as Matt says, that looks like a lot of work to correct the problem. I'm sorry to hear that kind of thing was going on. Even though the landlord sounded like he tried to do the right thing it isn't enough. Dang bad.


Wow. You sure are lucky to have a landlord that comes right over to fix it. I had a whole basement filled with backed up sewer water for two weeks and they did nothing. I had to get my own plumbers to fix it. I have a bathroom faucet that's been broken for a year already. You're really lucky.
They're definately going to have to redrywall the celing in there. Hope the rest of your weekend gets better!


Yes to the discount on rent, day spent worrying about the leak, and muscle getting in the new heater. For sure.


Wow, that's nasty. I've been thinking about Mr. Smith. The crime there was legislation passed with a view to enriching an individual (and his organization), or graft. But that is just commonplace legislation in DC now. Whether it's Rick Santorum trying to enrich his Accuweather buddies by cutting us off from weather reports from the National Weather Service -- reports we pay for and that Accuweather uses -- or no-bid contracts for Halliburton and Bechtel, or Representative Jerry Lewis (R-CA) receiving $133,000 for his campaign PAC from Cerberus Capitol Management, and then pushing through a contract they wanted. And all the talk about transparency? F*** transparency! How about not taking money from corporations and government contractors in the first place?


Sorry to hear about the leak--arriving home to find something like that is a terrible feeling. I hope that this fiasco doesn't lead to something worse, like mold.

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