Tomorrow is Justice Sunday III where the über conservative Right wing wackos will descend upon the Greater Exodus Baptist Church [704-714 N. Broad St] to do whatever it is they do. Earlier today, I was at Chuck Pennacchio Philly campaign HQ helping make some posters for the demostrations/protests. I huffed me a good amount of Sharpie. Sharpie Magnum to be exact.
I've been around some large graffiti markers in my day, but this one takes the cake. Good god it was an enormous marker.
I printed out the slogans and helped to black in the text onto the posterboard with said ginormous Sharpie and it ate a slew of my precious brain cells. Didn't get woozy or anything though. We reminisced about rubber cement, those fruit scented markers and even those old purple-y ditto sheets from back in the day.
So, if you need a protest sign/placard for tomorrow night, the Pennacchio gang may have you covered. The first program runs from 7-8.30p and the second program from 9-10.30p. Should be a blast. It'll be even better if the Giants beat the Panthers earlier in the day. That would make me one happy camper.
See you at the protest and go Giants!