I love 'em. I'm using Firefox 1.5 right now along with fourteen extensions. They can all be fond on the right hand pane several sections down. I installed a couple new ones today.
- Download Statusbar: takes away the annoying popup download manager and integrates into the bottom bar of FFX
- Verizon/Tmobile Minutes Used: displays the Verizon or Tmobile [I use evil Verizon] minutes used so far in the bottom bar
Owen has his favorites. Anyone have one that they really like?
My new fave is the set of del.icio.us buttons.
I also like the Google Page Rank extension.
And StumbleUpon is just plain fun.
I'm using all of these in Firefox 1.5. Pretty cool. Still seems to be some stability probs with 1.5 (it crashes from time to time), but I like it.
Posted by: Frank | January 24, 2006 at 08:22 AM