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January 22, 2006



I guess since you're probably not originally from Pennsylvania, you fail to understand the lure that is Bob Casey Jr. Since his father was a popular governor here before, Casey Jr. can basically afford to run on his father's legacy and name alone. Granted, that's not the most ideally perfect situation for people interested in change for the party, but that's politics. Plus, when you're the probable candidate as Casey certainly is for the Democrats and you've got a huge lead over a hated candidate like Santorum, it's not necesssary to go out and state your views in every situation as you think Casey should. Again granted, that's not how the system should function, but that's certainly how it does.


Greg, you sound complacent.

Chris Clarke

Way to credit the person that actually wrote the joke. That's true class.

corrected. didn't mean any harm by it, just adding to the chain back to you with the link i originally posted. -albert


Not really. It's more a basis of being practical and understanding the politics of the entire state. Pennsylvania is a big state that unfortunately elected Santorum at one point, so to trash a candidate like Casey Jr. doesn't really make any sense when he might be a decent fit here overall. You have to remember that Philadelphia and it's suburbs aren't a true representation of Pennsylvania. Travel 45 minutes westward and you'll quickly find out how Santorum was elected.

I'm not a fan of primaries anyway. I'll never understand the need for qualilty candidates to trash someone in your own party one week and then support them the next.


Greg, you sound complacent and dejected.


My family and relatives have been here for about the past century. I have lived here for over 14 years. I can recall how we were the worst state in the nation in some educational statistics and now we're slightly above average. Props to Casey Sr.
But your completely wrong on most everything else you said, with all do respect:
Casey's lead is a hypothetical 7 points, once voters see that he is anti-choice he is about even with Santorum according to the latest poll. This after at one time he was up by three times as much a few months ago.
As for the notion that the state is more conservative than us Pennacchio fans believe, well the polls show otherwise, 67% of women are pro choice and 61% or men are.

But you raise a good point someone in Monroe County recently asked why his primary campaign wont weekend the Dem chance in the general. He responded that he is not going to take the low road he is going to grill Casey on the issues only. Primarys are a very healthy process.

Another important point Pennacchio would whip Santorum in the general. We've lost that 14 consecutive full term elections because we run moderate or right wing dems like casey. Pennacchio has won races in the past against bigger odds with less time and support. The difference is now hes up against Santorum who has terrible approval ratings.

Chris Clarke

Hey, thanks, Albert. Sorry for being snippy. Too much espresso.


I'm neither complacent or dejected. I'm a realist. And reality causes many to actually want to support a winner, even if it's someone with whom they don't agree with 100%. In my view, it's very unfortunate that Casey Jr. isn't pro-choice, but that's his stance and he's still got a good shot at winning against Santorum. In a perfect world, maybe your ideal choice of candidate could win, but name recognition is huge for fundraising and Casey Jr. has that.

It should be noted that I really don't have a personal choice who wins in this primary, I haven't given any money or support to anyone yet. I just seem to think that Albert forgets that Santorum is ultimately the one to take down, not candidates and members from your own party who may disagree.

Last question, if you're saying that Pennachio would easily defeat Santorum, then why couldn't Joe Hoefel (with similiar credentials to Pennachio) defeat Specter?


I know that Santorum is ultimately the one to take down, Chuck Pennacchio [two C's] is the one to do that. He has clear stances on the issues at hand. Those stances just happen to be different than those of Santorum, Casey can't say as much on many issues.

This anyone but 'candidate x' shit is stupid. Look where it got us with 'anyone but Bush' - a lame candidate who was "electable" and "viable" who ran himself into the ground. I expect Casey Jr to do just that. His numbers go down as people find out where he really stands, which is why he's not saying jack shit.

I don't have answers on the Hoeffel-Specter race, I never said I did. What's your answer?

I still think you're complacent and dejected.


Thanks for your repeated diagnoses over the internet into my psychological state. Are you Bill Frist to my Terri Schiavo?

We're all friends here, man. Relax. Geez.

I was asking a genuine question about the Hoefel race. I donated a decent amount of money to his campaign and was wondering where he went wrong.

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