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January 10, 2006



Very wierd.

Citizen Mom

Not weird at all, actually...we all know where Alito is on abortion. And it's not even the biggest issue Democrats should have with Alito's nomination. It's the unitary executive theory -- Dems need to forget abortion and keep pounding at Alito's belief in a too-powerful executive.
BTW I love your site, thanks for having me!


@Citizen Mom- to quote Atrios:
"When Alito says that no one is above the law it's an utterly meaningless statement if his view of law includes a limitless view of the president's Article II powers which trumps all other laws. Or, as Torture Yoo put it, Bush can crush the testicles of children if he wants to.

In other words, all "no one is above the law" means is that the law, in fact, allows Bush to anything he pleases as long as he claims it's for national security. Including, presumably, lying about blowjobs."

The executive is all to powerful and Alito is another lapdog to be.

Dems need to simply vote NO.

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