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December 22, 2005



Man, that is good news. Got stuck up there last night because my walk back to Penn Station took longer than I thought and I missed the last train. There were throngs on the street when I arrived last night...I mean tons of people. People bouncing into people. Ugh. Anyways, glad traveling will go more smoothly for you now. That's a no-fun walk from Penn to Grand Central with a lot of stuff and 5X the number of people on the streets.

Brian R.

I appreciate the pain in the ass it is to walk in the cold - really - but shouldn't we be sending our angst about the strike towards the fat cat MTA, Mayor Bloomberg, Governor Pataki and other super rich? What about the transit workers who we're threatened with jail, frozen bank accounts, and no pension plan? The anti-strike tactics of the MTA for this entire affair were sickening!

Much respect to you Albert. May your holidays be happy!


I have no problem sending my angst to the fat cats sitting on ~$1B in surplus last year alone. I don't have a gripe with the workers/union. I nearly blindly support them all the time. I biked in the relative cold for over a week when they were on strike down in Philly.

I don't think it should be against the law for them to be able to strike, that's part of the point of the union, right?

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