Yesterday afternoon a man shoved his way into a woman's home and raped her at knifepoint and was subsequently stabbed, with a different knife, by the woman he raped reports the Inky. This Germantown crime happened on the block where my best friends here in Philly live.
The fifty-one year old man was apparently going up and down the block asking people if they wanted their leaves raked. The woman said no and the man asked for a glass of water and then pushed his way into her home. My friends tell me that people come to knock on their door all the time to sell things, ask for money...
The woman stabbed the rapist after she convinced her assailant to let her put her toddler upstairs. She came back down with a knife and stabbed the man. He tried to run away, but collapsed a couple of houses down the block. He's in critical condition at Albert Einstein.
If the information in the story is all correct, I hope this fucker makes a full recovery and then gets thrown into jail with the general population. I hear rapists and child molesters are at the bottom of the food chain in there.