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November 23, 2005



You are dissing Charm City??

My dream is to go to Prague someday.


oof, yep. didn't like it at all the couple of times i was there.


Copenhagen kicks ass


I've never been there, but I've heard wonderful things of Denmark. I wish I could go take a trip through Europe right now.


I'd like to note that I have only one friend in DC who works on the Hill (therefore "everything" is not about which Sen. or Rep. you work for) and have had no trouble avoiding Madam's Organ (and not due to a lack of going out).

Tom Kertes

In North America, I'd put Montreal, Guanajuanto, Seattle, San Francisco and Vancouver as my top five. For the world, I'd add Berlin, Munich, Madrid, Toyko and New York for the top ten.

Baltimore's a rough and poor city, but it's got grit and some great communities. The Harbor is its worst area, might as well be anywhere when there. It's not a favorite city for me, but I'd put it way above DC and not on a least favorite list either. Otherwise, your least favorite cities resonated with me.

The West Coast has a lot of great cities: Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and the whole Bay Area and San Diego. And LA's a city with a lot energy and things going on - but not too much to look at and the driving's terrible.

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