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November 30, 2005



That's weird, because I just watched it (or tried to) for the first time too. I thought it was like watching a high school presentation of NBC's West Wing. It was doing everything that show does, just not as well. And the actors seemed to know it.

Jerome Gaskins

It seems like The West Wing, only a little slow... maybe a lot slower! 4 or 5 subplots, whiny, slacker kids...

Madam President really doesn't seem like presidential material, though. She doesn't seem smart enough...

Mom is funny! Dominant, flirty... cool. Heavy handed with her influence.

I like the show, but not enough to miss Criminal Intent (Law & Order). I'd choose The West Wing if I had to.

I think the "Model in the White House" idea is what screws the show up. It detracts from the purpose of the show: to portray a woman as a serious, Condi Rice or Hillary candidate and prime minister of the government.

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