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October 27, 2005


Jerome Gaskins

Welcome to the Philadelphia Transit Opera. As long as I lived in Philly, we had the seasons, strikes and threats of strikes.

The next one we can expect is PGW. They've been pretty quiet for nearly a decade, right? But the municipal unions may come next, especially if Independence Blue Cross/Shield wants more money, as they are the biggest healthcare provider for the city. We'll hear about the uniformed class first, and then AFSCME DC 33 and 47.

But there was no contract activity during the spring/summer, right? Maybe this is an off year; whenever they expire the opera starts about 3 months before they run out.

Having been a civil employee, that cycle was part of my life for quite a few years!

Jerome Gaskins

I just read the Philly.com article about the proposal. I don't think the strike will happen. Whatever TWU counters with will seem trivial compared to SEPTA's offer.


I hope so.

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