The wedding was wonderful. My sister's married! And now, I have another big brother. The ceremony was all of fifteen or twenty minutes [neither of them are religious in the least and don't attend church] which was so awesome. The cocktail hour was noyce and the reception was a blast and very Bar/Bat Mitzvah like which was odd.
What do I mean by Bar/Bat Mitzvah like? I mean they handed out all this stuff. Tambourines, plastic hats, sunglasses. I thought to myself, "I wonder if they're gonna break out the kid favorite blow up plastic guitars" and then... They handed out the guitars. Oh man. Julie and Marc's joint Bat/Bar Mitzvah 2005! And to further the Bar/Bat Mitzvah theory, it was in Long Island and it was at a country club. But there was no Manischewitz to be found. I'm partial to the white concord grape.
Mazel Tov.
Did they give out the 80's yellow plastic glasses, or the oh-so-coveted brett the hitman hart reflective shades?
Posted by: agustin | October 13, 2005 at 12:27 PM
none of the ber cheesy glasses, not even the oversized carnival glasses, just 25 black shades. if they broke out pink and black with silver mirrored hitman glasses, oh man, i would have lost it there. i may have had to suplex someone off of the railing onto the dancefloor.
i almost wanted to ask the MC guy if he once worked for EJM. EJM!!!!!!! perhaps heart2heart?!? does anyone else get those two references? NY jews, hello?
Posted by: albert | October 13, 2005 at 12:33 PM