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October 18, 2005



Ok...so one of the comments on this page has deeply disturbed me. "Do you want people living on your streets..."...is that to see that the streets of Philadelphia only belong to those who have homes to go to eat night & food to eat each meal? That disgusts me. The homeless people are no less human as we are. I think it's disgusting how we continue to put up barriers in between benches so they cannot lay on them and kick them out of parks or even EMPTY churches that weren't being used at all.
We should love these people and take care of them. If Mayor Street truly cared about the homeless he'd realize that there are FAR MORE homeless people than "100 beds" can fill, or more than the "350" on the city streets. I believe there are FAR more. Perhaps thousands. Stop being naive and do something that will really help these people & most of all...STOP treating them like animals. They are people.

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