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October 28, 2005



You've singled out the really choice parts, but if anyone wants to read Denny's first post in its entirety without donating him hits (don't want to encourage him too much, do we?) I've posted it here.

Ajayi Harris

To bad he doesn't have a comment section. I have some comments, as I am sure other folks do. Oh well, that would to much to as from an elected official anyway.

Jerome Gaskins

I didn't read his blurb about oil & gas that way, Al. It sounded more like he was talking about two different things, rather than a solution to a single problem. The pipeline is the solution to the NG problem, and more refineries here solve the gas problem. Not imaginative by far, but it could have been worse: what if he was saying that we should just accept the increased prices and the oil concerns' increases as proof of a vibrant economy? That's what I'd expect a Republican to say!

What about typing is technical?

Digitalni fotoaparati

I agree with Daryl.

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