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October 05, 2005


ol cranky

plaintive wail begging them to come to PA and interview Chuck to keep the party as Democrats instead of selling us out by being Republocrats submitted :)

Rob Kall

Great idea. Here's what I wrote:

www.chuck2006.com He's a solid progressive who is campaigning to run against RIck Santorum, in the what will be the MOST-watched election in the nation next year. He has solid experience helping other US Senators run winning campaigns. In many ways he is like Paul Wellstone. He's built a strong grassroots base, refuses to take PAC money and he has great policies-- the kinds that AirAmericaRadio listeners approve of. He must first beat the favorite of DLC leaders Ed Rendell and Charles Schumer, Bob Casey Jr., the son of a former PA governor who lost his last major race in the primary for governor to Ed Rendeall, even though he had a 17 point lead a week before the election. Casey DID win a race for PA treasurer, but it was a race with no visibiity, no exposure. Watch Casey's video www.bobcaseyforpa.com and see just how issue-less and deadly uncharismatic he is. I mean, you'd think he'd offer his best in a video. Pennacchio is so good that it is not uncommon for people at stump speeches to break into tears, because he touches their hearts and speaks a message they've been longing to hear. Bottom line is that Pennacchio who will be a leader in the US senate we will all be proud of and he will cream Santorum. He's the kind of guy who would make a great president.Now how many people are running for senate that you can say that about?


Great idea Albert! Let's hope they listen to us.


Done. Thanks for the heads up!


Sweet. Let's make this happen!

Davey D

I just sent one, too. I notice Air America has something about Camp Wellstone on their site. That has to be a good omen. Not that I'm superstitious or anything...

Davey D

I just heard on NPR this morning that Air America has stopped broadcasting in Philadelphia :( I can't believe it! Supposedly they were losing money and Philly didn't have as many listeners as most of the other cities. Its hard to imagine they have financial difficulties with all of the ads on that station. Oh well, we can still livestream.


Yep, I posted on this over at Philly Future last week. Last Friday was their last day on the radio here. The signal was such shit on the radio, the stream is so much better. But still, I'm sad to see it go.

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