I just posted an interview I did over email with Laura Kicey aka helveticaneue, photographer extraordinaire over on Philly Future. Peep it. Leave comments and feedback for both of us!
It starts...
Albert (Philly Future/PF): What got you started taking photos and when did taking photos take a more serious turn for you? Do you see yourself as a professional photographer down the line, photography being the sole source of your income?
Laura: Growing up we never really took all that many photographs, as a family. I was generally disinterested in it until I had to take a photography studio as a requirement for my design degree in college, sophomore year. I really enjoyed it and took photo studios the rest of the time I was in school. But once I graduated and no longer had access to a darkroom, I stopped almost completely. About three years ago, I got my first digital camera which I would take along with me on walks every so often. The photographs were just for me, I showed them to nobody, thought nothing of it. Less than a year ago, I joined the outstanding photosharing community Flickr, and I haven't put my camera down since. The only way it is serious is that I am totally addicted. I wouldn’t ever want it to be the sole source of my income because it is a joy for me and I think someone paying me to do what they want would kill it for me.