Above are our roundtrip tickets from Philadelphia to D.C. on the Chinatown Bus. We leave at 5p. It'll probably take two hours, even with traffic. Those drivers are nuts. I don't know how they do it. Keeping my fingers crossed that there are no accidents on the way down.
We're meeting my buddies from college down in D.C. AK is flying in from Chitown, KT is already representing in the District as it is her home, errr, city-state thingy. And coming out for drinks [and maybe we can get her to march with us the next day] on Friday night will be me, AK and KT's roomie from the summer of 2001 Ms. ATL herself.
Now I'm mulling bringing my laptop down as well. I'd like to see the photos before coming back to Philly. I think I will. I'll just leave it in KT's apartment during all the festivities.
Didn't have time to pickup any honey crisp apples tonight. I'll get some on my way home tomorrow.