Uh oh rich people... U.S. to Ban Imports of Beluga Caviar.
I've had the unfortunate pleasure of having this so called delicacy. It tastes like shit. I really don't think that's a matter of opinion either. It just tastes like shit. I think the people who like it are just trying to impress people.WASHINGTON, Sept. 30 - The United States Fish and Wildlife Service will begin banning imports of beluga caviar and other beluga products from the Caspian Sea on Friday, after caviar-exporting countries in the region failed to provide details of their plans to conserve the fish, which is listed internationally as a species threatened with extinction.
The United States consumes 60 percent of the world exports of beluga caviar, a $200-an-ounce delicacy that is considered the king of caviars. While osetra and sevruga caviars are consumed in far greater amounts in this country, beluga has long had unrivaled international cachet and commanded unrivaled prices.