I've posted my initial edit up on flickr of photos from Saturday's March for Peace. Friends, new friends, friends from North Carolina, Cindy Sheehan, Jesse Jackson, Cornel West, Le Tigre and so many signs.
This is a set of 181 images whittled down from the original 422. Tighter edits to come. And I just added a few more from my secondary mini digicam to bump up the total to 204.
Good photography, Albert. I just spun through your whole slideshow. It appears blogs are only way I'm going to get much of an idea what it was like down there.
Posted by: howard | September 26, 2005 at 05:32 PM
Great photos. Now I know what was behind those brown papier mache effiges. You have the photos of them on the ground. I saw them running along side the march. It was a very effective display.
I wish we could have met up. My write up is here - with some pix.
Posted by: eRobin | September 26, 2005 at 09:21 PM
eRobin- those effiges were pretty cool, what they stood for, i'm still not sure. too bad we didn't get a chance to meet up, but we got a little bit of a late start. the ~300,000 people in between us didn't help either! we always have philly to march on together!
Posted by: albert | September 27, 2005 at 12:09 AM