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August 03, 2005



"I couldn't imagine drinking in that heat"

Dude, it's never too hot for beer. And it was free!


I've had beers [2] in Florida while it was about 95 outside, 90% humidity, sitting in a 110+ hottub. But it was too hot last night in that attic room. I have no idea how those people were drinking. Granted, they were out of cups slightly larger than the teensy dixie cups, but still.


Wow, sounds like a really bad time overall. Now I don't feel so badly for missing it.


A bad time? Nonono, just too hot. I had zero problems walking around and talking to the various people in the crowd, just hearing the speakers. Networking was the bigger part methinks.


I was there. It was a great time. I thought I saw you but you were taking a photo and then you were talking to someone and then I couldn't find you again. I didn't talk to any blogger but Chris. And I ticked off a Paul Scoles guy with my prediction of an overwhelming Casey loss in '06. Since they ran out of name tag stuff early, I made one from a Lois Murphy sticker, which must have made it look like I was on her staff because I was fielding Murphy questions all evening. Button tip: People read right to left so put the one you want people to read on the left side of your chest. I had a Ginny sticker on too and nobody saw it.


Darn, eRobin -- I wish I knew you were there -- it would have been great to meet you.

nice report, Albert!

Gabriel Winant

I’m a student at Stanford, grew up in Philly, and have done a lot of work (for my age) in progressive politics. I’ve worked for Dean (in Burlington, actually—the most amazing experience of my life), Hoeffel, Tom Daschle, and Rendell, and I’ve been curious ever since it first started to blossom what makes the Philly progressive netroots scene what it is. I’m applying for a grant this fall to take an academic look at it, and its ramifications for the local and national party, as well as for the nature of politics generally.

Anyway, to get the grant from Stanford to do this (I need an apartment in Philly, etc., because my parents moved, alas) I have to submit the proposal this fall. So if there are people who would be interested in being interviewed next summer, as ridiculously early as it is to ask such a thing, it’d be very helpful if you could drop me an email at [email protected].

Thanks a lot, and hope to be in touch.

PS I'm cross-posting this or similar comments on a bunch of Philly blogs. Sorry if I'm being a bit aggressive. Such is the world of low-level research at Stanford.

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