Tuesdays normally don't really have a feel to them.
Monday is the beginning of the work week, you feel Monday coming.
Wednesday is hump day, you finish Wednesday and you know you only got a couple more days left until the weekend.
Thursday is the going-out-a-day-early / almost-weekend day. Friday is tomorrow and you start to get excited.
Friday is that last day of the workweek / schoolweek / whatever. You don't do anything that really means anything on Fridays and if you do, you know you're gonna do it half-assed. You don't care. It's the weekend!
Saturday you wake up later than you do during the week and you can do whatever you want. Start drinking at Noon, walk around dressed like the slob you are, don't leave the house all day or go out all day. For me Saturday means playing ultimate frisbee in the evening over in West Philly. Two hours of running around throwing the disc.
Sunday for many is Church day, not for me. Sunday is the dreaded day before back to work day for me. But it's not so bad. Sunday is also soccer day. I bike it up Kelly Drive and head over to the reservoir area for a couple of hours playing my favorite sport.
Tuesday. Tuesday is just the day after the day you go back to work and the day before hump day. That has no feel. But Drinking Liberally in Philly is on Tuesdays and that's a blast. I look forward to it all day. Catherine comes by always asking if I'll have my regular pub can of Boddingtons and I smile back with a yes. Two heaping platters of buffalo wings get passed around and of course the great company. Even in a city of Democrats like Philly, the thirty or so people, all fervently Liberal, is quite the concentrated dose, but one I've taken every week for over a month now. And I also had the chance to meet Jack, the owner of Tangier. He poured three of us a nice shot of Redbreast Twelve-year-old Irish whiskey. That was some good stuff, a pure pot still whiskey which I said was very much like a single-malt scotch and after I looked up what 'pure pot still whiskey' meant, I was right in my assumption.
You are right tuesday don't have a feel, lack personality..
Posted by: Jatin | July 20, 2005 at 01:24 PM
..but the Redbreast kicked some f*ckin' ass, didn't it!?!
Posted by: heinrich | July 20, 2005 at 11:23 PM
Wednesday's personality for me this week was that of Nick Nolte.
Posted by: JLo | July 21, 2005 at 06:06 PM