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July 26, 2005



Santorum was slimy indeed, and I can't help but agree with you and your fellow blogger - y'all have your work cut out for you!


I heartily agree that Santorum is slimy and that Democrats must be prepared for a well-run campaign from him, but I disagree with the statement that Democrats aren't running a good candidate against him.

Bob Casey, the likely Democratic challenger, is a pro-life Catholic, just like Santorum, which will take most social issues (Santorum's biggest strength) off the table. Running Casey is a very wise move by the Democrats. If Casey concentrates on economic issues (Santorum's biggest weakness), we could be looking at a very tight race indeed...


I did not say that Casey is not a good candidate, I'm saying that Pennacchio is a better candidate who stands for everything that I stand for. And I will stand with him.

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