Chris stated it very well in his last post on Sanitorium's appearance on The Daily Show last night. Ricky was good. Very good.
I hope the entire Pennsylvania Democratic establishment and grassroots just watched Rick Santorum's interview with John Stewart on the Daily Show like I did. If they did, they would have seen what they are up against, and the picture isn't at all pretty. Make all the cream puff, man on dog, drama queen jokes you like, but Santorum is a very seriously talented politician. If we allow ourselves any underestimation of his ability to win a general election, we will have our asses handed to us in the general.
I hope tonight’s show serves as a wake-up call to the people who feel as though they can throw a Valium like candidate, with good name recognition, at a major political talent and hope to come out on the better side of deal. It's not happening. No matter how totally fucked in the head Santorum’s world view may be, it’s just not happening. We can't blind ourselves with the insanity he spits out on a regular basis, as most voters will never hear about them. That's the case no matter how loud we scream.
And that's why Chuck Pennacchio's got my vote. That's why I stuck that gigantic badge in the top right position of this blog. That's why there's a form/button to contribute funds to his campaign, his campaign for us. We're in dire need of a candidate like him and we got him, right here.
I can't stand that slippery, smarmy fuck Santorum, but like Chris said, he's a very good politician and he's won before, right here in this state of Pennsylvania.
Why the Democratic leadership of this state refuses to put up a candidate like Pennacchio and give him the spotlight he deserves is beyond me. I hope all three Democratic candidates for the Senate seat saw Santorum on The Daily Show last night. If not, I hope they catch the rerun tonight. I'm sure they all know Santorum's skills as a politician, but seeing it on a platform like The Daily Show should apply a bellows to the fire that should already be raging under their asses.
Where does Chuck stand on the issues? Looky here.
Santorum was slimy indeed, and I can't help but agree with you and your fellow blogger - y'all have your work cut out for you!
Posted by: Lindsay | July 26, 2005 at 02:43 PM
I heartily agree that Santorum is slimy and that Democrats must be prepared for a well-run campaign from him, but I disagree with the statement that Democrats aren't running a good candidate against him.
Bob Casey, the likely Democratic challenger, is a pro-life Catholic, just like Santorum, which will take most social issues (Santorum's biggest strength) off the table. Running Casey is a very wise move by the Democrats. If Casey concentrates on economic issues (Santorum's biggest weakness), we could be looking at a very tight race indeed...
Posted by: Lenny | July 26, 2005 at 03:28 PM
I did not say that Casey is not a good candidate, I'm saying that Pennacchio is a better candidate who stands for everything that I stand for. And I will stand with him.
Posted by: albert | July 26, 2005 at 03:50 PM