Just read this article on how now, after the recent bombings in London, there are tons more people biking to work.
Two hours after the bombings on 7 July, a man walked into a bike shop in London Bridge.
"He said 'I'm never going on the Tube again. Sell me a bike,'" recalls Travis Lindhe, manager of On Your Bike, where sales have increased from three bikes a day to 15 ever since.
A cyclists' organisation, the London Cycling Campaign, reports a 10 to 30% increase in use of bike stands at three points in central London, although it says this news is hardly a cause for celebration, given the circumstances.
Later on in the article, they point out that many people are taking to bicycles not because they're scared, but simply to get around all of the delays on the Tube and bus system in London.
I'm all for riding bicycles as a primary means of transportation. Now if society could just wrap its fat head around the fact that one does not have to wear a suit to be a productive worker, I think more people would be wearing comfortable clothing more suited to bike riding.
Wear a helmet.
Maybe I can ride a bike from NJ to Philly?
That might be my only way...
My car attempt has failed us all. I'll start pedalling now..
Posted by: austin | July 27, 2005 at 07:25 PM