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June 06, 2005



Crimson Moon was indeed ahead of its time. A late-night coffeeshop where you could sit on couches and hang out and listen to music? It was a new idea when it first opened. The people who work there are the friendliest you'll ever meet, and I can only hope that they'll be able to find a new location soon.

This neighborhood is depressing me with every closing or announcements thereof. Sue's Produce, Moos One, Milou Gallery, Lombardi's-- is there a petition going around to stop this nonsense? or something? Please let me know.


Well, as far as I know, Sue's hasn't announced anything. Have you heard otherwise? And I don't know how much petitions can do to save these smaller shops. With condominium units selling at $3M a pop in the new Rittenhouse condo where Rindelaub's is, it's more than an uphill battle. It's like an uphill battle in a gravity chamber.

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