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June 24, 2005



How cheap are you talking about?

Anita Job

Yow, good luck with that. Coeruleus and I got fed up with our cracker box and started looking for a new place. In the end we just gave up. Nothing was nice enough to actually work up the energy to move. Granted, we are picky, but I think that is just the way it goes in Philly.


Hey Anita-
Nice to meet you at DL last week. Well, right now, we're living in separate apartments and really want to save money by living together so we'll end up moving, we gotta. I hate moving. I hate packing. I hate unpacking. But the thought of more space and paying less is what drives me/us.


When I was looking for apartment in Los Angeles few months ago (i've got a job there), I couldn’t even think about difficulties which were waiting for me. I checked ads, went to agencies which offered houses, but nothing was as useful as apartment for rent site. First of all, I concentrated to my needs (considered the area I would like to live, made a list of my top housing priorities, considered amenities and etc. ), created my own note-taking system and allowed my self time. I could eliminate apartments which didn’t meet my needs. I saved time and money. I found good and affordable apartment and I’m very satisfied with my new home.

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