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June 03, 2005



are you kidding me that your birthday is february 4 and you ate a cheesesteak? so is mine, so did i, and i blogged on it too, with picture! rock on!


oooh, so close. my birthday is actually the 3rd. i took the photos on the 3rd and i posted them at 1am on the 4th. i'll head on over to your archives and check out your meal. i inhaled mine.


you know what, i looked and the post was gone! my template can't permalink for some insane reason. i probably had one of those rare moments when i took something down. anyway, the steaks were from jim's: the northeast outpost. it wasn't as photogenic as yours, but it WAS damn good!!!!

i barely missed being born on the 3rd, my birthday is at 1:00 AM. i don't think people will split hairs about it at the combo-party, do you?


we're totally birthday buddies! i was born around 8am or so i'm told. close enough for me!

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