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May 11, 2005



yeah - and sam katz was a vote for our future too - but people declined in the '03 election, based upon race, political affiliation & street's spectacle of purposely confusing people's beliefs.

but because of political affiliation, people voted for street. and because of personal affiliation, and the hostile & questionable base of supporters, i will be voting for abrahams, and encouraging others to do so too.


may i bring to light two posts from phillyblog.com about this "personal affiliation, and the hostile & questionable base of supporters" that tim alludes to. tim's basis for the alleged "personal affiliation" is a single sighting of sharif street at a fairmount civic association [fca] meeting where both williams and abraham spoke and they both acknowledged street's presence. and then to tim's own hostile behavior on the philly blogs and the forum.

first from "pkav":
I was at the FCA meeting. A few points, none of which is the clear cut answer you are looking for.

1. Seth spoke first and acknowledged Sharif as a fellow Central High grad.

2. When Lyn spoke, she began by acknowledging Sharif in the room, as well as other young people with whom she has worked and said that they are the future leaders of this city and that the future is bright (I'm paraphrasing here).

Political pleasantries aside, I was actually much more interested in their ideas for the office.

3. Sharif has been to FCA meetings in the past - this isn't the first one. He recently was there with the developers of the 26th/Poplar project when they made their community presentation.

second from "phillytim"
while my initial comment was a tad bombastic over there on philly future, it is just as much a courtesy for those offended/skeptical about the response to offer up an educational rebuttal to the charges.

my justification is admittedly a bit on the light side, for the current stance on the williams-street connection, so i humbly & resignaly take my half of the responsibility of both sides failing in this skirmish, both here on this pblog topic, and out there in blogland.


don't worry, it's open specially because the exhibit was extended, and i already have my tickets in hand.

good lookin' out, though. i appreciate it!


yes - go over to phillyblog and watch how a couple of local blogsters display thier lack of tact & professionalism against those who disagree with them.


Dude, I was so jacked to see you referenced in that Inky article. You have been cranking out some very good original material..and lots of it. Keep up the good stuff. Cheers.

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