I just saw this video via Philly IMC. It's a simple video of images, some graphic, from the past two months set to Johnny Cash's cover of NIN's "Hurt". The images are from, I'm guessing, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world where people are dying and people are fighting to stop the war. It's only a copule of minutes long. Watch it.
Wow. That's a pretty effective use of sound and imagery, though to be honest, that version of "Hurt" always struck me as pretty powerful (almost creepy) by itself, and I've always been a pretty huge Johnny Cash fan.
Thanks for the heads up.
Posted by: howard | April 30, 2005 at 07:16 AM
Ineedy the Cash version of Hurt is pretty deep. The original is one of my favorites, but now when I listen to it, I think of the morbid Cash version. I was never a huge fan of Cash, but this cover I love.
Posted by: albert | April 30, 2005 at 02:31 PM